Monday, July 29, 2013

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Cookies

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Cookies 

What do you do when you have way to much brownie mix? Make it into cookies of course. But not just any cookies. You want to combine as many different flavors as possible into the cookies. Thats where the banana and peanut butter come into play.

I was meeting up with some of my friends one afternoon. Every time I post of picture of cookies, one of the girls always comments on how much she wants one. Naturally I had to bring her some. I made these cookies for them along with some of the cream cheese chocolate chip cookies. I told them they were my guinea pigs for new recipes.

These cookies are a perfect bit sized treat. They are packed full of flavor. Normally if you put bananas in a recipe the whole recipe will taste like bananas. It's the same with, if you put bananas in a bowl with other food, all of the other food will taste like bananas. Or has no one else ever done that... Thankfully, the banana flavor isn't overbearing in these cookies, so the peanut butter flavor still shines. It is a great recipe to make if you don't have eggs!


1 8ounce brownie mix (If using a 16 oz brownie mix, omit the flour and sugar)
1 C flour
1/4 C sugar
1/4 C butter
1 banana
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/3 C peanut butter 
1 C reeces pieces (I used left over reeces eggs from easter)


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