Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Cranberry Bread

Cranberry Bread 

Its like thanksgiving in August. This bread is good anytime of the day. Since this recipe makes 4 small loafs I got to enjoy it for breakfast... until someone else ate it all when I wasn't looking. 

This is not a sweet bread. The cranberries add a tart flavor. Personally I think this bread tastes better the second or third day, after the flavors have had time to sit and blend together. 

Like many breakfasts breads, it is very filling. However it doesn't leave you with that too full feeling afterwards. It tastes good toasted or cold out of the refrigerator. 

My mother had no problem polishing off a mini loaf to herself in one sitting. 


4 Tablespoons Butter Melted
3/4 Cup of Nonfat Milk
1 Egg
2 Cups of Flour
1 Cup of Dark Brown Sugar
1 1/2 Teaspoons Baking Powder
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda
1 Teaspoon Salt
10 Ounces of Cranberries


1.Preheat over to 350.
2.Mix together butter, milk and egg.
3.Add in flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and soda.
4.Fold in cranberries. Pour into 4 greased mini loaf pans or one 9x5 bread pan.
5. Bake for 40 minutes
Fills 4 mini loaves or one 9x5 bread pan. 


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