Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Nutella Banana Ice Cream

Nutella Banana Ice Cream 

 Whenever anyone else types bananas do they start singing that Gwen Stefani song in their head? b-a-n-a-n-a-s. I do. In celebration of national ice cream month, a treat that you can feel good about eating. Why? because it only has two ingredients. Bananas and nutella.

This is a very versitle treat. All you do is take some bananas, mash them in a bowl, add a scoop of nutella and freeze it. If you're not a nutella fan (but com'on those don't exist) then you can use peanut butter or cookie butter or any other kind of butter instead. Or just leave the spread out all together! Due to the texture of the bananas the ice cream has a really yummy texture, it's not icy at all. It reminds me of frozen yogurt.

If you like toppings in your ice cream feel freeze to throw them in before you freeze the mixture as well. Brownie bits, chocolate chips, cookie dough, you name it. Once frozen the top should retain a darker brown color due to the nutella. I used a fork to mash the bananas so you can still see banana chunks. It's a treat that will cool you off and get you a full serving of your fruits. Next time I make this I will be adding in some chocolate chips. 


4 Bananas 
3 tablespoons nutella (or peanut butter)
1/4 C toppings (optional)

1. Using a fork mash the bananas in bowl or in tupperware, whatever you want to freeze the mixture in. 
2. Once mashed, add in the scoops of nutella. Feel free to add more or less depending on your preference 
3. Add in toppings, chocolate chips, brownies, whatever it may be. Stir these into the banana mush. 
4. Freeze for 4 hours or until firm. 
5. Scoop and enjoy! 


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