Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Pluot Jam

Pluot Jam

I love pluots. When they are in season I probably eat at least 5 of them per day. We have a pluot tree in our backyard that made some amazing pluots this year. Since the tree had more ripe pluots then I could eat, I decided to turn some into jam, so that I can enjoy them year round.

I made jam for the first time last summer using nectarines. It's so easy to do, so if you have a bunch of fruit on hand buy some jars and make some! It is easier to make then cookies. However since it requires using hot water and hot ingredients I would recommend leaving a window open because things will heat up! 

With what jam was left over and wouldn't fit in the jars, I ate it as a snack. Making jam can build up an appetite. It is not to sweet and the lemon and orange juice add a little bit of 'tang' to it. Its perfect to eat on crackers or pair with peanut butter. 


-4 C pluots (sliced and seed removed)
-2 1/2 C sugar
-1/4 C lemon juice
-The juice from 1 orange

(if you want a thick jam, add in a packet (tablespoon) of pectin) 


1. Sanitize your jamming containers. I have packs of mason jars from target. To sanitize them you can either run them in a hot cycle in the dishwater or place them in a boiling pot of water for 10 minutes.
2. In a large pot on the stove add in the sliced pluots, sugar, lemon juice, and orange juice.
3. Boil the ingredients for 10-15 minutes. Then take a spoonful of jam and place it in the freezer. Check the jam after about 2 minutes. If the consistency is what you desire then begin canning the jam, if not then let it boil for a little while longer. More sugar can be added to help reach desired consistency.
5. Have a pot of boiling water ready.
4. Once ready, ladle the jam into the prepared cans. Take a wet paper towel to wipe the edges of the can clean then put the lid on. Take the canned jam and place it in the boiling water so that it is completely covered. This is to properly seal the jars.
5. Remove the jars after 5-10 minutes then place them upside down to cool. Placing them upside down will help to further ensure a tight seal.
6. Repeat until all of the jam is used up. This makes about 6 jars.


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