Friday, April 26, 2013

Banana Bread Cookies

Banana Bread Cookies

I made banana bread all the time using leftover bananas so I figured why not try cookies?

The result was very, very goopy dough, that magically became cookies! I was not quite sure if they were going to turn out ok since the dough would not form balls whatsoever but they did!


½ Cup Sugar
¼ Cup Butter
1 Egg
2 Bananas
½ Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1 Cup Flour
½ Teaspoon Baking Soda
Pinch of salt
½ cup chocolate chips


1)      Preheat Oven to 350 Degrees
2)      Mix sugar and butter.
3)      Add bananas. I just ripped the banana into pieces and mashed in the sugar/butter mixture.
4)      Add flour, baking soda, salt
5)      Mix in egg and vanilla extract
6)      Fold in chocolate chips
7)      Place droplets onto a prepared cookie sheet. I used parchment paper
8)      Bake 12 minutes. The bottoms will turn begin to burn if left too long.


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