Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Deep Dish Cookie Pudding

Deep Dish Cookie Pudding

For a few weeks I was obsessed with finding the perfect double chocolate chip cookie recipe. I decided it was time to upgrade from my normal 2 tablespoons of chilled dough baked for 10 minutes to a more delicious option. I've only attempted to make a baked pudding once before, I used bittersweet chocolate to make it. My mom loved it, but since that day I've learned I really don't like the taste of bittersweet chocolate. This trial was a much bigger success. 

I was inspired to make this because Gina usually likes licking the bowl of whatever we've made rather then eating the baked goods. On Sunday she ran a half marathon in Irvine and was one of the top three female finishers. She finished the race somewhere around 1:35. Which is crazy. Thats around 7 minute miles, for 13.1 miles. She needed a special treat. 

The tops of the cookies puffed up quite nicely and provided a pleasant crunch  compared to the gooey insides. Heres a little glimpse of what I mean by 'gooey insides'. 

I added peanut butter chips to this cookie mix. I though they would keep their shape, but they didn't. Instead they were the best melted peanut butter surprise ever. This cookie is like eating raw dough, but baked, so you can't get sick from the egg, and hot, which makes it a melted chocolate masterpiece. 

It was just begging to be eaten. I was expecting this to be more of a half baked deep dish cookie, but instead I overfilled the ramikens so it turned into more of a pudding. I wanted it to bake just long enough for the top to set which means the inside would still be nice and gooey. If you want a less pudding like consistency simple fill the ramekins with less dough. Then it will resemble more of a deep dish cookie and less of a pudding. I wasn't too worried about the final outcome because as Gina likes to say, "you know I'll eat anything, even all the goo". Needless to say she finished her ramekin, then the other half of mine. 

The first bite. I wasn't expecting the amount of gooey, warm, chocolatey goodness that awaited me. This tastes almost like a warm brownie batter... but better.


1/4 C butter
1/4 C granulated sugar
1/4 C brown sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 C all-purpose flour
1/4 C cocoa powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 C mini chocolate chips
1/2 C peanut butter chips 


Preheat oven to 350. Grease 2-4 ramekins. 
1. Combine the butter and sugars. Since this is going in a bowl it doesn't matter if the butter is completely melted. 
2. Add in the egg and vanilla.
3. Add in the baking soda, flour, cocoa powder, and salt. Mix until combined.
4. Fold in the chocolate chips and peanut butter chips
5. Fill the ramekins 3/4 of the way full with batter. I split the batter between two ramekins, mine ended up being filled a little more then 3/4 of the way full. 
6. Place ramekins on a baking sheet, bake for 10-14 min or until the tops are set. 
Bake longer for a deep dish cookie consistency and at the recommended time for the gooey pudding consistency. 


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